love my life and life is not unfair!

hello. im norashikin binti zainal. new in this blogspot. hehe. im 20. live in taman melati utama condo. my home is heaven for me. it is a place where i can relax. n settle down. nothing is very comfortable like home. heh.banyok plak aku ckp ye. hee. emm. okay mcm biase org tulis blog to express their feelings n ape2 la kn. and so do i sbb seronok plak tgk kwn2 buat blog. so i think i should gve it a try. btw! gmbr sebelah tu gmbr lame k!! haha. aku nye rmbut merah skang neyh! ahha. i like to talk about life. sbb a lot af things had happen to me these past few years. example like being dump dgn teruk smpai rase nak gle pn ade. im serious okay. that happen to me last year! n i make my parents dsppointed n mase tu rase mcm dunia ni nk runtuh da n my stpm result yg sgt terok!! and it all happened after i benig dumped by that jerk. kire aku kne satu2 la dugaan last year. x yah la nk explain satu2 kn. sbb x perlu pn. but i have been through a lot for my 20 years of living in this world. heh. but all of that had teach me a lot about life. god is great. die akan bg dugaan dkt setiap manusia n it is all up to us wether kite akan menerima dgn ati yg terbuke ataupun kite mengeluh. selame ni aku asyik mengeluh. tp selepas kejadian amjad tu. aku tekad utk x megeluh da. sbb aku pk life must go on. ape2 pn i have to keep moving forward. sbb selepas being dumped aku rase mcm i had lose everything. and aku lupe aku ade parents and family yg support aku from behind no matter what. especially emak! hee. mase tu mmg down la. tp ble pk2 blk. aku ckp kt dri aku. smpai ble aku nk jd mcm ni. i have to move on no matter what. and it takes me one week to recover. rmai org ckp aku kuat. tp mase tu aku kene kuat sbb aku xnk mak aku sdeyh tgk aku dlm keadaan x bermaya. lg pn aku pk aku kne tunjuk kt amjad aku bleyh idop xde die n positive always. hee. and atas my family support aku okay smpai skang. n a lot happier and aku slalu dpt ape yg aku nk. aku berubah utk kebaikan aku sndiri and utk parents aku. change is a good thing. transform from bad to good. good to better. not from bad to wrse and from worse to worst. aku berubah from head to toe. inside out aku brubah. and it makes me feels good. the more you feel happy the more u do things that u like the more u attract positive things towards you. and thanx to the secret. i always apply that without miss and i always got what i want. hehe.btol. korg tgk la. x tpu. and alhamdulillah berkat rezeki allah. duit x pnh xde. alhamdulillah. besyukur sgt2! aku berdoa semoge rezeki kami sekeluarga kekal hengga ke akhir hayat. amin.

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