raya tahun ni cm. ermmm. cm x best je taw. haha. sbb nta. da besar kot. maybe.. cm xde semgt. haihh. ape la aku ni. hehe.org lain bukan main nk beraya. aku cm. xde la cm excited sgt. byk la pulak cm aku. ahah. to tun, tieta, did, difan, sorry that day i have to cancel la buke pose with you guys. haihh.my arwah nenek lang pas away. i pk kalo i x g nnt i mngl or my family members mngl. xde org nk dtg. huhu. nxt time k? ari tu pn smpat jumpe erin. buke umah die. ikan pari msk asam pedas!! perghhh!! terbaik!! nst time kay? td pn putry cll. tnye ape khbar ape sume. rndu korg sume taw! huk2. nnt kite jumpe k?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Posted by kikin at 10:35 AM 0 comments
aku x leh tdo ni.
aku x leh tdo sebenarnye ni. bpk aku, arin, adik2 laki aku x blk lg ni dr ipoh. haihh. keta rosak plak. risau plak aku. adoai. jope everything is fine. huhu.
Posted by kikin at 10:23 AM 0 comments
cinta sempurna
aku tgk cte ni kdg2 sakit ati jgk. haha. smpai nk bunuh dri sbb cinta x diterima. haha. adoai. hmmmm. tp cte ni byk pengajaran. bgus la cte ni. aku suke. sbb die wat kite sedar. n lg satu kn. improve english. haaa. btol x?! n cte ni tnjuk kn betapa jahil nye kite ni sebenarnye. kn kn? and cinta tu sbenarnye we have to keep on searching. hee.
Posted by kikin at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
skang da bleh comment da kt blog
skang dah boleh comment da kt blog!! haha. sorry guys. ade mnde yg x kne la dgn blog aku ni. tp skang da okay. comment la
Posted by kikin at 9:21 AM 0 comments
neyo together.
lagu ni arin bg kat aku mase bru cpl. hehe. mmg kne la dgn die.
[ Verse 1 ]
Since the day that we met girl
I ain't never had anyone make me feel this way
And my heart is sure it wants to be with you
Want to give you the whole world…ohh
If you make the promise to me you're gonna stay
Without you guiding me, I’m lost and so confused
[ Hook ]
What will it take to show you I’ll be by you’re side
Girl I got you and I want to give you what you never had
Girl everyday I hope to make you a part of my life
Cause you know me and I know you
Girl your love is where it's at…ohhh
[ Chorus ]
I’m gonna be the love that’s gonna last
And be the one that got your back
Aint nothin' ever never that bad
That we won't be together
And though we both made a mistake
And some we never wished we made
But we will be okay if we just stay together
[ Verse 2 ]
Oooh…I know he left you stranded
And you paid the price when you messed up your life
Girl I know you’re so afraid but I can’t right the wrongs he did
I know you saw the lipstick on my window
And wonder how many chicks been to my home
I done my share of playing games
But for you I given up that life
[ Hook ]
What will it take to show you I’ll be by you’re side
Girl I got you and I want to give you what you never had
Girl everyday I hope to make you a part of my life
Cause you know me and I know you
Girl your love is where its at…ohhh
( Chorus )…
[ Verse 3 ]
Baby you’re the one I’ve waited for
Because you give me what I need and more
Girl its clear that we are meant to be
Together…together…we should be together
Girl I’m gonna be….
( Chorus ) x2
hee. sweet!!Posted by kikin at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
buntu. dunno what to do. serabut. but i dont want to show it. haihh. rase sdeyh. semua ade la. adoyai. huk3. ekin. calm down okay? just relax.
Posted by kikin at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
buke puasa with hot fm. ehe
td kan aku g buke puasa dgn una, n adik una n kwn adik una. yumi. yumi tu comel gle okay. (tbe2 je). blk kpd cte. aku pn dgn slumber nye pkai bju biase. kwn aku pkai bju kurung. aku pn xpe la. redah jeee. ahahah. mmg simple gle la aku pkai. mcm nk g jj je. haihh. pastu ade la artis kn. mst la ade. aku la antare artis2 kt situ. hak3. gurau je. bapak perasan. mule2 tu yg aku hmpk the hot fm dj's pastu sheila. then kn. tbe2 kn. hafiz af7 ade!! die comel gle.haha. with his curly hair. he is soo cute. tp tu la.artis je pn. aku xde la die hard fan pn. tp smpat la tgkp gmbr dgn die. and muke aku sgt lah mcm bapok. aku minat die because of his voice. mmg adore suara die sbb die budak lg kn. he is 19 kot. x silap aku. nta. x kesah pn. haha. dpt jgk tgkp gmbr dgn hafiz. mst kwn2 aku ckp aku lame sbb hafiz tu pn nk minat. but who cares man. haha. ni lah gmbr aku dgn hafiz. muke aku mcm bapok siaak! dgn rmbot kmbang nye. haihh. x ape la. x kesah pn. hee. and i am soo happy today. nnt aku ckp sbb ape ye.
Posted by kikin at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
happy aniversary mohd nor hashrin!
happy aniversary! pukul 8.30 mlm ye. haha.
Posted by kikin at 6:02 PM 0 comments
sweet2 pictures of arin n kikin. (:

Posted by kikin at 5:20 PM 0 comments
gmbar2 yg plg aku suke!! ehehe
hehe. sweet x? sweet kn. aku suke gle2 gmbar ni. hehe. captured at toilet st. haihh. mmg xde tmpt lain la. asyik la nk tgkp gmbr kt situ. aku pn x phm. byk plak tu. hahah. arin2. kite ni asyik la dating kt st tu. jgn kahwin n bersanding dpn st jgk dah la. haha. comel x comel x? hee. i love u la syg! u always make me happy. n i suke sgt ble u usap2 pale i n main2 rmbut i and ckp 'i love you' infront of me and make me blush whenever u say that. hehe. keep me smiling okay ririn syg? i love to cll him by that name because it suits him. haha. he call me gigirl, so i cll him ririn la. okay kn syg? haha. aloh2. mcm iklan gg colgate pn ade. haha. masing2 tnjuk gg. i spent a lot of time with him. aww. haihh. syg gle2 la kat ko TUAN HAJI MUDA! haha. papa likes to call u that rite? lepasni nk tgkp byk2 lg gmbr dgn you. n ltk kt blog. hee. love ya abg botak!!
Posted by kikin at 5:03 PM 0 comments