hehe. gmbr ni pkai flash. sbb tu aku black n white kn die. haha. gmbr 1st ktorg after few month da couple. today dah 4 month couple. thats y aku wat blog ni especially for him. just to show how i much i love him.n hown much i appreciate him. happy aniversary arin. mase ni bru je lepas potg rmbut. die bleyh tgu aku smpai abis gunting rmbut kt saloon tu. aku rase kalo laki lain dah lame bla. smpai tertdo die tgu aku. thanks arin for all your love and support towards me. and thank you for always be by my side when im in need. hope we will last forever. insyaallah. i love you with all my heart. and again happy aniversary. hee.
bju yg same sbb tgkp gmbr ni pada hari yg same. selepas beberape saat tgkp gmbr bwh ni. haha.
die x kasi aku letak gmbr ni. tp i suke la arin!! mcm spontan je taw! haha. n klaka muke u. comel je. i suke!! over plak aku ni. haha.
hee. ni mase bru potg rmbut la. hehe. dkt toilet st lg. a'ah la. bru aku perasan. mmg xde tmpt lain. ahahahhaha. ni muke konon nk serious la ni. konon.
1st day buke puasa together. hee. arin senyum nk poyo je. geget kang pdn muke.
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