makhluk allah sorg ni. tolg la paham!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
terase cm nk nanges
x tau np. sensitive sgt. bia la. jgn lynkn perasaan sgt.
Posted by kikin at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
rase cm rugi
Posted by kikin at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Posted by kikin at 7:20 AM 1 comments
ekin yg dah x suke nk amek pot
Posted by kikin at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
suke aku!
chelsea2!! chelsea2!!walaupn aku bkn peminat chelsea. tp aku mmg suke ble MU kalah. ahaha. maaf ye peminat mu. hak3.
Posted by kikin at 5:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Double fuck for those of you.
Posted by kikin at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
aku yg dah semakin gemok tgk la perubahan aku. haha
tengok ni gmbr2 aku!! urgh!! gemok dan hodoh!!! huk3. lg2 gmbr ikat rmbut. benci taw.!! ade ke ptt butang sua aku tercabut mase aku duduk. depan arin plak tu!! huk33. aku dah gemok!
Posted by kikin at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
nak pindah la
nak pindah la pulak. adouai. mcm2 dugaan la dis sem. xpe2. dugaan. redha2. today got carving class. hope i do well la.
Posted by kikin at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
setelah lame x update blog
Posted by kikin at 2:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
dah lame x update blog. alamak. one of my ex schoolmate(taman melawati) ask me to go to her open house dis sat. alamak how? i have no confidence at all la. hmm. after all that had happen to me after dis few years makes me feel sooo down graded about myself. adoai. can i make it? x nk g la. tp da jnji nk g. huk3. segan la. xde confidence. xpe la. just go through la kn? sbb mmg avoid la bdk mwt. all the mwatians. hmm.
Posted by kikin at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
babi. semua la. ko mmg pukimak. mmg kaki laga kn org. mati lg baik la ko ni. aman hidup aku. kimak tol. dpn ckp lain. belakang ckp lain. dpn mak aku bukan main baik ko kn? ko mmg sial. ptt pn ko sakit. talam due muke. hipokrit. pastu mak nanges sbb aku. x pasal2 aku wat dosa. aku kalo ko dah wat taik. aku wat taik la kt ko blk. weh. eeeee. sakit ati la. babi la babi.
Posted by kikin at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
actually aku happy je dgn birthday aku. tp rmai yg lupe wish. mcm erin ,fak ,hafiz, syezrel. nta la. terase dgn dorg. tp erin dgn fak da wish. sgt2 trase. lg2. CIKGU FIRDAUS a.k.a PDOT. aku kecewa dgn die. serious dow. tbe2 je diam. selame ni aku diam kn. so skang ni its time for me to speak out. dah lame aku diam. hmm. die nk ckp ape ckp la. ckgu. np ckgu diam je? ape salah saya? saya x kesah ckgu nk ckp ape pasal saya. tp pls la ckgu enough is enough. tbe2 diam. ape salah saya? saya dah x down la ckgu. wat ape saya nk down pasal amjad tu. saya dah x suke dia. dah naik menyampah dgn die. tp saya x kesah la cikgu nk ckp ape pasal saya. cume saya just nk cikgu tau saya x wat salah ape pn dgn cikgu. xpe la cikgu. tp saya terase dgn cikgu sbb cikgu byk tpu saya. and tolong la jgn kacau husna dgn syezrel lg. cikgu keikhlasan tu datang dr hati. tp kalo sekali cikgu ungkit. keikhlasan cikgu tu dah dikira kosong. xpe la cikgu dah xnk amek tau pasal saya mcm saya plak yg besalah. mcm saya plak yg PAKAI duit cikgu. xpe la cikgu. THANX FOR EVERYTHING. and lepas ni mmg saya btol2 lost cntact dgn cikgu. saya pk saya murid. hormat cikgu ape sume. tp cara cikgu yang wat saya btol2 hilang respect dkt cikgu. xpe la cikgu. jasa cikgu tetap saya kenang tp saya x penah lupe dkt org tapi ramai org lupe dkt saya. this is for you.
Posted by kikin at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
raya tahun ni cm. ermmm. cm x best je taw. haha. sbb nta. da besar kot. maybe.. cm xde semgt. haihh. ape la aku ni. lain bukan main nk beraya. aku cm. xde la cm excited sgt. byk la pulak cm aku. ahah. to tun, tieta, did, difan, sorry that day i have to cancel la buke pose with you guys. arwah nenek lang pas away. i pk kalo i x g nnt i mngl or my family members mngl. xde org nk dtg. huhu. nxt time k? ari tu pn smpat jumpe erin. buke umah die. ikan pari msk asam pedas!! perghhh!! terbaik!! nst time kay? td pn putry cll. tnye ape khbar ape sume. rndu korg sume taw! huk2. nnt kite jumpe k?
Posted by kikin at 10:35 AM 0 comments
aku x leh tdo ni.
aku x leh tdo sebenarnye ni. bpk aku, arin, adik2 laki aku x blk lg ni dr ipoh. haihh. keta rosak plak. risau plak aku. adoai. jope everything is fine. huhu.
Posted by kikin at 10:23 AM 0 comments
cinta sempurna
aku tgk cte ni kdg2 sakit ati jgk. haha. smpai nk bunuh dri sbb cinta x diterima. haha. adoai. hmmmm. tp cte ni byk pengajaran. bgus la cte ni. aku suke. sbb die wat kite sedar. n lg satu kn. improve english. haaa. btol x?! n cte ni tnjuk kn betapa jahil nye kite ni sebenarnye. kn kn? and cinta tu sbenarnye we have to keep on searching. hee.
Posted by kikin at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
skang da bleh comment da kt blog
skang dah boleh comment da kt blog!! haha. sorry guys. ade mnde yg x kne la dgn blog aku ni. tp skang da okay. comment la
Posted by kikin at 9:21 AM 0 comments
neyo together.
lagu ni arin bg kat aku mase bru cpl. hehe. mmg kne la dgn die.
[ Verse 1 ]
Since the day that we met girl
I ain't never had anyone make me feel this way
And my heart is sure it wants to be with you
Want to give you the whole world…ohh
If you make the promise to me you're gonna stay
Without you guiding me, I’m lost and so confused
[ Hook ]
What will it take to show you I’ll be by you’re side
Girl I got you and I want to give you what you never had
Girl everyday I hope to make you a part of my life
Cause you know me and I know you
Girl your love is where it's at…ohhh
[ Chorus ]
I’m gonna be the love that’s gonna last
And be the one that got your back
Aint nothin' ever never that bad
That we won't be together
And though we both made a mistake
And some we never wished we made
But we will be okay if we just stay together
[ Verse 2 ]
Oooh…I know he left you stranded
And you paid the price when you messed up your life
Girl I know you’re so afraid but I can’t right the wrongs he did
I know you saw the lipstick on my window
And wonder how many chicks been to my home
I done my share of playing games
But for you I given up that life
[ Hook ]
What will it take to show you I’ll be by you’re side
Girl I got you and I want to give you what you never had
Girl everyday I hope to make you a part of my life
Cause you know me and I know you
Girl your love is where its at…ohhh
( Chorus )…
[ Verse 3 ]
Baby you’re the one I’ve waited for
Because you give me what I need and more
Girl its clear that we are meant to be
Together…together…we should be together
Girl I’m gonna be….
( Chorus ) x2
hee. sweet!!Posted by kikin at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
buntu. dunno what to do. serabut. but i dont want to show it. haihh. rase sdeyh. semua ade la. adoyai. huk3. ekin. calm down okay? just relax.
Posted by kikin at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
buke puasa with hot fm. ehe
td kan aku g buke puasa dgn una, n adik una n kwn adik una. yumi. yumi tu comel gle okay. (tbe2 je). blk kpd cte. aku pn dgn slumber nye pkai bju biase. kwn aku pkai bju kurung. aku pn xpe la. redah jeee. ahahah. mmg simple gle la aku pkai. mcm nk g jj je. haihh. pastu ade la artis kn. mst la ade. aku la antare artis2 kt situ. hak3. gurau je. bapak perasan. mule2 tu yg aku hmpk the hot fm dj's pastu sheila. then kn. tbe2 kn. hafiz af7 ade!! die comel gle.haha. with his curly hair. he is soo cute. tp tu la.artis je pn. aku xde la die hard fan pn. tp smpat la tgkp gmbr dgn die. and muke aku sgt lah mcm bapok. aku minat die because of his voice. mmg adore suara die sbb die budak lg kn. he is 19 kot. x silap aku. nta. x kesah pn. haha. dpt jgk tgkp gmbr dgn hafiz. mst kwn2 aku ckp aku lame sbb hafiz tu pn nk minat. but who cares man. haha. ni lah gmbr aku dgn hafiz. muke aku mcm bapok siaak! dgn rmbot kmbang nye. haihh. x ape la. x kesah pn. hee. and i am soo happy today. nnt aku ckp sbb ape ye.
Posted by kikin at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
happy aniversary mohd nor hashrin!
happy aniversary! pukul 8.30 mlm ye. haha.
Posted by kikin at 6:02 PM 0 comments
sweet2 pictures of arin n kikin. (:

Posted by kikin at 5:20 PM 0 comments
gmbar2 yg plg aku suke!! ehehe
hehe. sweet x? sweet kn. aku suke gle2 gmbar ni. hehe. captured at toilet st. haihh. mmg xde tmpt lain la. asyik la nk tgkp gmbr kt situ. aku pn x phm. byk plak tu. hahah. arin2. kite ni asyik la dating kt st tu. jgn kahwin n bersanding dpn st jgk dah la. haha. comel x comel x? hee. i love u la syg! u always make me happy. n i suke sgt ble u usap2 pale i n main2 rmbut i and ckp 'i love you' infront of me and make me blush whenever u say that. hehe. keep me smiling okay ririn syg? i love to cll him by that name because it suits him. haha. he call me gigirl, so i cll him ririn la. okay kn syg? haha. aloh2. mcm iklan gg colgate pn ade. haha. masing2 tnjuk gg. i spent a lot of time with him. aww. haihh. syg gle2 la kat ko TUAN HAJI MUDA! haha. papa likes to call u that rite? lepasni nk tgkp byk2 lg gmbr dgn you. n ltk kt blog. hee. love ya abg botak!!
Posted by kikin at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
attention to all readers!!
i am updating my blog. xde mnde interesting la nk ckp for the time being. nnt ble da ade. kite gossip2. tooodles.
Posted by kikin at 10:46 AM 0 comments
budak2 zaman skang
just now my sister open her ms account. pastu tgk la gmbr kwn2 die. mak aih. dah g party da. plek aku. sexy ape bagai. aku dlu bodoh2 je. pastu muke bangge je. rase cm klaka pn ade. budak2 zaman skang asyik nk glamour n pk nk famous. g pavi bersidai la kt depan pavi tu jual muke. duduk melanguk kt dpn pavi ramai2. umur bru 14,15, ade tu 13 n 12 pn ade. haihh. just lucky je adik2 aku x mcm tu. adik2. meh dgr cni. akak nk bg advice ckit. kcik2 ni, jgn kejar glamour, belajar dlu elok2. x kesah la korg byk duit ke x. lgpn bukan korg yg kaya. mak bpk korg yg kaye. pastu aku plek. jiran aku nye kwn. she is 14. die ade kwn yg nk sgt involve dgn bdk2 yg dikatekn hot kt sekolah tu. adik, xde ape pn kt dorg tu dek. x kesah la dorg bli bju kt topshop ke,downshop ke, tu duit mak ayah dorg nk kasi kt dorg. x semestinye kite kwn dgn org kaya, kite hot. just be yourself. org akan suke kite kalo kite jd dri kite. tp jgn la pulak tnjuk perangai buruk kite kt org. nnt lg org x suke. okay dek? ngeh2.
Posted by kikin at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
sakit hati!!
pndai ko kn?! u know wat! allah is great. and HE sees u. remember that. and remember this! the world is round. and all the things that uve done. may come back at you! SOAB! urghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! hope u open ur eyes. thats all i want to say. okay?!
Posted by kikin at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
sabar je la
report yg aku wat td bleyh ilang!!! adoyai. byk plak tu. byk sgt2. da cntik da aku wat. aku igt nk save. aku pn tekan la yg X tu. aku tekan je. die x kua pn yg u want to save yes or no tu. terus ilang. aiyak!!
kne crik blk!!!!!!!!
byk tau x. huk3. aku da sdeyh da ni. haihh. tp xpe la. xnk gve up. lmbt pn lmbt la anta. jnji aku siap and anta. adoy. dugaan2.
Posted by kikin at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
emak. hope u will get well soon. dugaan bulan puasa ni mcm2 pulak. nsb baik lepas final. emak. jp ag akak ikot mak g hospital okay? hope everything will be fine. akak doakn utk mak. i am soo worried smpai x leyh nk tdo ni. risau smpai menangis. mak i love you sooo much more than anything in this world and ur sacrifice towards us akak x terbalas mak. mak just doakn kejayaan akak dunia dan akhirat. and i will give u the best result and nk graduate even akak amek culinary arts je. akak nk tolg mak. nak be the best for you. insyaallah. =)
Posted by kikin at 4:32 PM 0 comments
im so sorry lately ni im not cncentrating on you. im too busy sayang. i kat umah pn busy jgk. nk buke i jgk yg tgkus lumus prepare brg nk msk. im soo sorry. but i still sayang you taw arin. jst that i busy dgn report yg x siap lg. da la byk. i nak report i perfect. hmm. arin u had help me a lot and u always be there when im in need. thank you sgt2. and u defend i. and thanks smlm dtg umah buke. and layan c fadhli bntot mantap tu g tu g bazar. arin i am really grateful to have you. and you know how much i love you rite? i am so sorry. im trying to be the best for you. arin antara rmai2 ex i. u yg btol2 pndai jage ati i. yg melayan kerenah i 24 hours. u je yg sanggup arin. sbb tu i ckp i am really grateful to have you. thank you arin. hope jodoh kite pjg. and i pn rase happy nak raya tahun ni. sbb i ade you. =) kite raye same2 k? sorry kalo i cmplain the way u dress ape sume. i jst want the best for you. because you are the best for me! i love you.
Posted by kikin at 4:18 PM 0 comments
arin datang umah. hehe. buka puasa with my family tp amir je xde. hehe. xpe. next time. rindu siot kt arin!! geget kang tau la. semalam smpat tu die kiss pale aku mase bru blk anta fadhli g semayang. and i told him everything wat had happen between me and her. nsb baik sarah x npk. ahahha. smlm aku berak2 taw. abah ni nak bsing2 plak. aku on9 ni pn sbb nk wat report jp ag. sbr je la. pastu semlm lepas berak aku tdo. pnt taw. ilang tnaga. ahah. mase tgh tdo tu tbe2 msg msuk. dpt dr tieta c pndek tu. ckp sorry ape sume. ahahha. ey. bukan utk ko la mnde tu. utk kwn aku. nta la. aku just x sanggup je nk tegor and ckp kt die. da pnt. cume pasni aku xnk die mengeluh. and aku xnk die crik aku ble die susah. sorry ye tun. bukan pasal u or tieta. sory kalo wat korg terase. and tun itu care i pk. sbb i da berubah da tun. sbb i amek peluang yg tuhan bg tu and my life is getting much2 better. sbb before ni i da lalu mcm2. tp ble kite amek peluang tu. we will feel great about ourself. i kecewa ckit sbb die crik i ble susah. da nasihat ape sume tp die buat blk. u can ask tieta who im talking about rite now. but ape2 pn. i always support her from behind. =)
Posted by kikin at 3:32 PM 0 comments
rasa marah, nak nanges, da menangis pn sbnrnye. rase kecewa. semua la. kenapa2? kenapa allah bg akal kat kite tp kite x reti nk guna. kenapa allah bg byk peluang dekat kite tp kite xnk gunakn peluang tu sebaik mungkin? kenapa manusia sekarang x reti guna akal? aku kecewa. kecewa yg teramat sbb allah bg kite akal tp kite x guna sebaik mungkin. jgn tnye aku knp. sbb aku sorg je yg tau pasal mnde ni. aku sdeyh and merajuk. merajuk nk bwk dri. jgn smpai aku wat haluan sendri and jauhkn dri dari kwan2. aku pk buang mase aku. buang tenaga aku. tp aku xnk mnde2 mcm ni menjatuhkan diri aku. aku just nk ckp sekali tuhan tu da bg kite peluang guna la seelok2 nya and jgn perpatah balik ke mnde2 yg x sepatutnye. tu je aku nk ckp. aku sdeyh smpai menanges. aku x pnh sdeyh sbb DIA. x pnh. x pnh sdeyh sbb seorang kawan,sahabat,boyfriend,family. tp kali ni aku nenges. sbb aku btol2 kecewa. i will just keep it in my heart.xde kne mengena pn dgn ssiapa dkt cni. it is just me yg rase. just dont ask why. myb im too disappointed with myself.
Posted by kikin at 12:48 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
ramadhan al mubaraq.
wah!! today is first day of puasa. but kali ni puasa dgn grandparents skali dgn cousin aku yg cibai tu. sbb dorg duduk cni. x suke la dorg ade. kalo atok je yg ade aku okay. tp kalo nenek dgn afiq ade aku x okay. tp td best. aku seperti biasa tolg kt dapur, mengemas since my mother is sick. kesian mak. get well soon ye mak. nsb baik xde ape2. mak just kurg air je. haihh. risau jugak. pastu seronok la sbb pakngah da mau berckp dgn nenek atok. cume x berckp dgn abah je lg. ya allah ku pohon kepada mu bg la pakngah dan abah ku bertegor semula setelah bebelas tahun x bertegor. aku nk raya tahun ni raya yg paling meaningful to me. huhu. pastu puasa dgn arin tercinta. rase lain la. rase happy die lain. sbb i already got wat i want. besyukur gle. mcm rase my life utk kitaran kasih sayang tu da complete. hehe. syukur. td sume org ade. abah mak adik2 acu pakngah atok nenek. wah!! rase amazing taw setelah da brape lame conflik keluarga ni akhirnya bertegor jgk. rase cm amaze la and bersyukur. cume nk kne get rid of that pig(my cousin). tu je. harap2 raya tahun ni best la. and menghayat ati aku. even aku da besar pn. and tahun ni raya dgn arin!! hehe. mst lain kn? when it comes to adult nye age. everything seems different in many ways. my mind are open and getting matured in all aspects of life. cume aku x reti punctual je. tu aku kne ubah. and it makes me feel more responsible towards my family even my own self. aku xnk umur je 20 tp otak x reti guna. aku nk my mind works with my age now kire pndai gune akal dan fikiran. tp ape2 pn pasni nk kne siapkn final report for western. pastu aku cuti 2 mgu. mst bebal otak x tau nk wat ape kt umah. ahha. and im planning on doing biskut raya! hope rase die okay la. hehe. dtg la raye kt umah ye kwn2!! and2 kwn aku yg ckp nk putus kwn dgn aku cntact aku blk!!!! rase syukur x terhingga. and the sad part is org yg da lupekn aku msg semate2 nk ckp selamat berpuasa je. pastu snyp. gle x ikhlas. im talking about my cikgu firdaus over here okay. and tu je la kot. okay then. tata.
Posted by kikin at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
hari yg boleh menjatuhkn aku and hari yg wat aku pk negative. aku x suke mcm tu.
aku sakit ati dgn cuzin and nenek aku. btol2 sakit ati. mak and abah aku da spent rm2000 dkt die. kalah aku! dia langsung x ckp tnx kt mak and abah aku! gle unappreciated person ko ni. weyh. berterima kasih la ckit ble org da blnje byk utk ko for ur studies. tau takot dgn aku. sorry nenek. i will said anything to ur favourite grandson kalo die wat salah. u have to bare with it. u spoiled him a lot. sbb tu mcm pondan. lembik je. mmg patut kne buli org mcm tu. ey. mak aku nye rm2000 tu is hard earn money okay. igt mak aku cop duit ke? babi!! sial la ko. bengang aku. aku tak suke la org yg berterima kasih ni. and x reti hargai org ni. agaknye nenek aku x ajar die ckp sorry,thank you and please kot. nsb bek ko bukan adik aku afiq. kalo x da lame aku dera ko ko tau? don mess with me okay? don mess with my family. ko ni la antara org yg rosak. mmg patut pn ko kne anta kt sabah. elok nye org sabah tu sumpah ko and tumbuh kepale pitok kt dahi ko. bengang aku....
Posted by kikin at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
paper final abeh smlm!!!! seronok aku. gle2 nye seronok. hehe. yes2. ehehe. pasni aku enjoy nk shoppinh ape sume. ahahha. esok aku nk mkn puas2. sbb sbtu puasa. pasni nk g shopping sakan nye! nk potong rmbut lg la. rimas!! huhu. x kire. nk pendek jgk! dulik hape aku. ahahhahhaha.
Posted by kikin at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
report da abeh!
yes3!! report da abeh! yeay! sronok aku. terima kasih atas kerajasama group2 aku. tnx all. skang ni get ready for finals je. ive done my best da for the report. and idc wat chef jamil are going to say because ive done my best already. sbb chef tu suke take sides which is unfair. hee. okay la. thats all. chow!!
Posted by kikin at 11:09 PM 1 comments
feel healthier!
today im feeling much2 more better. da okay dr demam. okay la. hehe. alhamdulillah. cume tgl batok2 ckit. tp looking forward for tomorrow! my grandparents are coming! yeah!! seronok! pastu td arin ikot abah anta amir. hope he is doing fine. drive crefully arin. jgn laju2. everyday i did different things. jgn same je nt kite akan stay the same. hehe. ape lg nk ckp? sbnrnye nk update blog je. today nuthing happen la. just kemas umah je. tp klaka la sbb mak asyik ubah je kerusi. tgk2 mnde tu kt tmpt asal blk. haha. pnt aku dgn sarah agkt. haha. emak2. okay la. tu je. and2 da nk final ni soo a bit busy. nk revise and nk result 3 pointer and above. insyaallah. hee.all the best to me. and i know i can do it. go ekin!!
Posted by kikin at 4:33 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
mohd nor hashrin bin habidin
okay. evening! nk update blog. x sehat today. x dpt g umah tun. tun!! so sorry x dpt g umah u. haihh. kne quarantine. huhu. okay. nk ckp pasal arin pulak. he is my boyfie. yg ke brape ek. 4 kot. hee. knl die through kwn. and die add kt ms. pastu dpt no and cntct2 smpai la skang. ktorg knl lame da. tp couple tu bru je msuk 3 bulan. hee. mule2 nk terime die mmg susah sbb takot jd cm amjad. tp pk2 blk i should give it a try. y not. lgpn die mmg baik la. die mmg phm la aku ni. die ade la ciri2 yg aku nak. aku x kesah la die ni handsome ke x jnji die sayang aku. tu je. sbb since aku break dgn amjad aku tekad aku da x pndg rupe da. yg aku carik is hati,akal n fikiran. tu je. jnji die jage aku. jage ati aku sbb aku da pnt nk jage ati org da. aku da serik. so die ni mmg ade la tepat2 ape yg aku nk die ade. so aku ckp da ade kt dpn mate. so jgn lepaskn. tp aku xnk jugak kn hurt lg. ade jodoh ade la. xde tu xde la. redha je la. kire aku da ready if anything happen. aku sayang die. btol2 sayang la. x tpu. mule2 cpl tu mmg takot nk syg die btol2 tp lame2 tu aku tgk die serious. die btol2 serious. and lame2 aku percaye la kt die. huhu. but sentiase aware la kn. ktorg pun awal sgt in relationship. 3 bulan baru. anything can happen just get ready je. hee. aku xpnh2 wat blog pasal bf. ni 1st time ni. haha. die mmg ade la kt sisi aku ble i need sum1 to talk to. i mean selain dr mak la. mule2 x ckp kt mak aku da ade bf. diam2 je. haha. da msuk 3 bulan bru ckp aku da ade bf. and abah pun okay dgn die! amazing sbb abah mmg x pnh suke bf aku. haha. suke aku. lg satu arin ni die da khatam quran lbeyh dr 2 kali. and dah g umrah. even cte lame die die seorg yg terok. tp aku percaye that 'peoples change'. manusia mne x brubah. nak dgn xnk je. and die dah blaja skang ni. lg aku suke. aku ckp dkt die. 'kalo you btol2 nk i u have to worh hard and study hard. xnk main2. u r a man now so you kena think ahead. x kire la ready ke x. buat ni utk dri you skali. and for both of your parents. make them proud of you'. hee. nta la aku nye pemikiran mcm tu. igt lg mase die propose aku dpn2. haha die menggigil. mase tu klaka and i was blushing like hell mase tu. haha. he is a sweet person. pndai la amek ati aku ni. besyukur yg teramat dpt die as my bf. die da start blaja lg la aku syukur. nmpk die berubah dr melepak je smpai 2 3 pg doing nothing. die g umrah lg la aku syukur. haha. ey. bukan senang okay nk g umrah. antare berjuta2 orang,antare kwn2 ktorg,die yg terpilih utk melakukan ibadah umrah kt mekah. sape x seronok babe? aku teringin sgt2 nk g. huhu. terharu arin dpt g umrah. and arin i just wat to say that 'i love you for who you are,dont feel downgraded for yourself,CONFIDENT! haha. pedulikan ape org nk ckp pasal you jnji you tau sape dri you. buat yg terbaik for your own self,jgn lupe mama,papa and ur siblings,and i doakan kejayaan you dunia dan akhirat.usaha sungguh2 okay? i love you and i doakan semoga jodoh kite panjang. aminn...'. truely from ur gigirl =)
Posted by kikin at 10:37 PM 2 comments
my siblings
from left is saiful amir bin zainal,ahmad zul fadhli bin zainal,me(norashikin binti zainal) and last but not least is my younger sister nor maisarah binti zainal. hee. da ckp pasal my parents kan. so im going to talk about my siblings plak. yg paling kiri tu is my brother. he is 18 and belajar dkt politeknik ungku omar dekat ipoh. he is my best friend. ape2 pn aku refer kt die. and same goes to him. kalo ade prob dgn awek die je crik aku. sume la nk cri aku jugak. ktorg sgt rapat. i am proud of him sbb die seorg yg btol2 usaha utk dptkn anything that he likes. especially in studies. die x byk ckp. die suke perhati org. jgn la korg wat mnde yg die x suke kalo x mmg free2 je kne maki. ahahha. ape2 pun aku sayang ko amir!! hehe. fadhli pulak is my youngest brother. mak aih badan die bapak besar. suke tgk magazine body builder. ahahhaa. klaka. plek2 je. idol die arnold schwazeneger. nta btol ke x aku eja. haha. die mmg besar. kalo kua dgn adik2 aku mst jatuh no 3 punye la. tu yg best tu. die sensetive org nye walaupn badan besar! haha. and 1st thing yg akan keluar dr mulut kwn2 mak aku is 'besarnye li ni' and die akan bengang je. ahhaha. ala besar2 pn ensem kn li kn? haha. die pn same gak kalo ade mslhnye aku ni la tukang dgr. dgr la the same story everyday. lg2 pasal org yg die suke tu. haha. die exco disiplin dkt sekolah and i am proud of him too. li belajar rajin2 li. jgn main2. tunjuk kat abah li dah ubah okay? jgn risau abah tu okay la li. hehe. cpt na sentap ble abah tu tego. belaja rajin2 and make abah and emak proud of you. i know you can do it. and akak nmpk li da berubah into a very very good boy. okay? i always support you from behind no matter what and jgn lupe mak and abah. same goes to amir. love you both! HAA! last but not least is my younger sister sarah. die gemok,montel,pendek,jalan mcm jantan. haha.kaki gado. suke gado dgn li. x padan dgn pendek. gengster sekolah. haha. die la adik yg PALING degil dlm byk2 adik aku. haha. suke gado dgn budak2 laki smpai budak laki pn takot dgn die. haha. walaupun mcm jantan! die suke gossip. masyaallah. kalah la aku nye mulut kalo die gossip tu. haha. ape2 pun i love you sarah. jgn malas2. belajar rajin2. jgn lawan ckp mak and abah. belajar rajin2 so that sarah boley masuk asrama form 3 nnt. okay! u guys are my life. i love all of you guys. and no matter what happen in our family we must stick together. nothing can destroy our relationship. love you guys lots. mmwah!
Posted by kikin at 1:04 AM 3 comments
going to ipoh after dis
afternoon! lapa2. x mkn lg. best plak wat blog ni. da lame x menulis. dlu2 rajin la wat story book. tp kcik2 dlu la. hee. lapa la. haihh. jp ag nk g masjid jamek nk amek mak lg. haihh. best nya da x demam da!! seronok gle!! melompat2 aku td. smpai adik aku sarah ckp. 'kak ko ni asal? mentang2 da baik demam'. haha. seronok. aku da kurus!! tp best gak bley pkai blk bju aku yg lame2 tu. best2. xde la nmpk perot aku yg buncit ni. hehe.setelah lame aku x iron rmbut iron jgk today. sbb rase cm serabut sgt la. lgpn rmbut da pndek. tgu pjg lg la bru bia die curl. hee. rmbut lurus nmpk kms ckit. tol x? ape2 pn 'I LOVE MYSELF'.
Posted by kikin at 12:53 AM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
morning with mr arin!!
wehehe. td mr arin ajak g mkn kt belakang. happy sungguh. da 2 ari x jumpe. bru 2 ari. ahahah. poyo je. aand then die ade cte one sad news but not important for me. because ade la seseorang ni. haihh. aku pn sndiri x phm y la. xnk ckp byk about that. because i couldnt be bothered pn. yg pnting ptg kang aku ikot mak g ipoh amek my beloved brother amir!! rindu pulak budak kcik sorg tu. hee. for now nothing is more important then my family. and mr arin. hehe. mls la nk wat blog pasal die. nnt la. haha. pastu ape lg ek. jp ag nk mandi n bsuh rmbut. i want to feel fresh. rmbut ni cine tu bleyh plak potg senget sebelah. pundek tol. xpe la jp ag da cuci rmbut nk blow and iron. hehe. best2. da lme x melawa. ahaha. klaka. and td tieta call ckp die nk blk kl da n terus g umah tun nk tdo sane. and i said okay. insyaallah i see her tomorrow at tuns house. harap2 i da okay da by tomorrow.
Posted by kikin at 9:04 PM 0 comments
byk nye report nk kne wat! huk3. snin kne anta. demam2 pn buat jgk la. nk wat cmne. last nite ade conflik ckit dgn abg pndek. haaa. aku amok. amek ko. haha. tnsion taw. nk touching2 plak dgn aku. da la aku dmam. igt aku buat2 dmam ke? mak dgn abah plak bsing2 lg la amok aku dbuatnye. haha. mak dgn abah bsing2 teros out ym. ckp dkt putey n tun yg aku xde mood. im sorry tun n putey. didnt mean to. x lrt taw nk thn sorg2 nye kerenah. haihh. yg mlm td tu aku mls nk pujuk. mnde kecik je pn. i done my job as a gf already kn. n he still nk terase. da say sorry for my mistake. still nk majok. haa. mmg aku xde mase nk pujuk. haha. kejam tol aku. x la cube pk. aku demam tau x! haihh. arin2 nsb baik aku syg ko. kalo x da lme aku cekik tau x. haha. tu pun kuatkn jgk wat report. dgn mak n abah sebok nk gune laptop. berebut2. haihh. kate nk bli desktop. xde pn aku tgk. haha. xpe la sbr la kin. nt dpt la tu. hope im getting better dis few days. mak x kasi kua langsung. so im going to use this quality time to finish my report. hee.
Posted by kikin at 5:48 PM 0 comments
high fever!
hate it when it comes to fever. i can't do anything at all except lay down the whole day. bored bored bored. but im feeling much better now! hee. sbb da mkn ubat n da ade slera nk mkn. i lose 6 kg okay demam ni. sucks. dr 60 trun 54. isk2. xnk kurus2 sgt. x best. x elok. nt muke aku nmpk cm sakit je. dmam punye demam. tbe2 mr arin touching plak. aiyak! ckp aku da brubah. haha. sayang. im not changing la. btol. tak ubah ckit pn. im tired because i mmg btol2 x larat. nk taip msg pn menggigil okay. haha ape la nk touching2 sekeh pale tu bru tau. ni pun bru okay. xnk msuk hospital. mak la.''akak kalo x baik gak ikut mak g hospital esok. jgn main2 kak,rmai org mati sbb h1ni'.ahaha. mak panic da. mak. not too worry la. im okay. just demam biase je. kan doctor ckp akak okay.=)
Posted by kikin at 5:39 PM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
the family of mine.
introducing my parents to you. hehe. Tuan Zainal bin Yusof dan Puan Abidah binti Mohd Yusof. argh! sayang sangat2 dekat dorg. they are my life okay. xde dorg xde la aku kat dunia ni. abah die dah 52. tua dah. tp always act die mude. ahaha. die semenjak dah tua ni byk tol ckp. ahaha. kdg2 pnt nk layan. hehe. lg2 mak. abah nye birthday 31st august 1957. anak merdeka tu. haha. abah die tgi. and hensem. btol x tpu. die mmg hensem. die botak. kdg2 ktorg pgl die pulau. ahaha. jahat gle. but ape2 pun i love you dad! you are the best daddy in the whole wide world!(little man nye dialog) ahahha. emak pulak. die kecik je. anak2 die sume lg besar dr die. haha. lg2 fadhli mcm giant. hehe. she is soo cool. kadang2 bsing gak kalo aku wat silap. but she is always there for me whenever i need her. die mmg selalu support aku no matter what. lg2 bile aku down. die selalu discuss dgn aku ble die ade prob. she is the best mother la. suke sgt ble mak dgn abah dapat g mekah. alhamdulillah. syukur sgt. n lg2 ble rezeki mak dgn abah dah betambah. ade petua ni ckp doa kite dgn emak kite xde hijab kire doa kite for our parents akan terus smpai kt Yang Esa. and ape2 pn kite kne dulukn mak dgn abah dulu. n ape2 yg kite wat mst berjaya. jgn jwp dgn parents. n mak n abah i will not be wat i am today if its not because of you guys. i love you guys a lot!! thanks for all that u guys have done to me and all of your children. love you guys always.
Posted by kikin at 12:16 AM 0 comments
love my life and life is not unfair!

hello. im norashikin binti zainal. new in this blogspot. hehe. im 20. live in taman melati utama condo. my home is heaven for me. it is a place where i can relax. n settle down. nothing is very comfortable like home. heh.banyok plak aku ckp ye. hee. emm. okay mcm biase org tulis blog to express their feelings n ape2 la kn. and so do i sbb seronok plak tgk kwn2 buat blog. so i think i should gve it a try. btw! gmbr sebelah tu gmbr lame k!! haha. aku nye rmbut merah skang neyh! ahha. i like to talk about life. sbb a lot af things had happen to me these past few years. example like being dump dgn teruk smpai rase nak gle pn ade. im serious okay. that happen to me last year! n i make my parents dsppointed n mase tu rase mcm dunia ni nk runtuh da n my stpm result yg sgt terok!! and it all happened after i benig dumped by that jerk. kire aku kne satu2 la dugaan last year. x yah la nk explain satu2 kn. sbb x perlu pn. but i have been through a lot for my 20 years of living in this world. heh. but all of that had teach me a lot about life. god is great. die akan bg dugaan dkt setiap manusia n it is all up to us wether kite akan menerima dgn ati yg terbuke ataupun kite mengeluh. selame ni aku asyik mengeluh. tp selepas kejadian amjad tu. aku tekad utk x megeluh da. sbb aku pk life must go on. ape2 pn i have to keep moving forward. sbb selepas being dumped aku rase mcm i had lose everything. and aku lupe aku ade parents and family yg support aku from behind no matter what. especially emak! hee. mase tu mmg down la. tp ble pk2 blk. aku ckp kt dri aku. smpai ble aku nk jd mcm ni. i have to move on no matter what. and it takes me one week to recover. rmai org ckp aku kuat. tp mase tu aku kene kuat sbb aku xnk mak aku sdeyh tgk aku dlm keadaan x bermaya. lg pn aku pk aku kne tunjuk kt amjad aku bleyh idop xde die n positive always. hee. and atas my family support aku okay smpai skang. n a lot happier and aku slalu dpt ape yg aku nk. aku berubah utk kebaikan aku sndiri and utk parents aku. change is a good thing. transform from bad to good. good to better. not from bad to wrse and from worse to worst. aku berubah from head to toe. inside out aku brubah. and it makes me feels good. the more you feel happy the more u do things that u like the more u attract positive things towards you. and thanx to the secret. i always apply that without miss and i always got what i want. hehe.btol. korg tgk la. x tpu. and alhamdulillah berkat rezeki allah. duit x pnh xde. alhamdulillah. besyukur sgt2! aku berdoa semoge rezeki kami sekeluarga kekal hengga ke akhir hayat. amin.

Posted by kikin at 12:12 AM 0 comments